Admissions & Fees




Admissions Criteria


Children must be 2 ½ years old to start playgroup (this is a condition of our insurers) and do not need to be toilet trained although we do ask that you provide a change of clothes in case of accidents in a bag with the child's name on it.


Children should bring a pair of soft/indoor shoes or slippers to wear during sessions particularly if it is wet. Children should also bring a jacket as we will use our outdoor play area whenever the weather permits


Parents/Carers must fill in an enrolment form giving up to date emergency contact details and all relevant medical information.



There is a one off registration fee of £5 which will be added to your first bill 


Playgroup fees are £5.00 per two hour session and are payable in four weekly blocks and invoices are issued accordingly. Fees are also payable when your child is absent (except public holidays) as overheads still have to be met. Fees are revised annually at our A.G.M.