To provide a service in a manner which promotes quality and safety and respects the independence of service users, and affords them choice in the way in which the service is provided to them.
To provide good quality care and education to young children in a safe and stimulating environment and to allow them to be involved in the assessment of both their own and the services development
To offer a programme of play based on curriculum guidelines using varied and balanced activities that enhances and develops children’s physical, cognitive, social and creative skills which allows children to develop at their own pace and reach their full potential.
To include all children regardless of race, colour, gender or ability and to promote equal opportunities through a programme of play that uses equipment and resources that is non discriminatory and reflects cultural diversity in today’s society.
To make proper provision for the health, safety and welfare of the service users and to help the children develop healthy and safe attitudes towards themselves and others and build positive personal, emotional and social well-being.
To support and assess the individual needs of the children and using individual profiles, help them develop and progress, utilising specialist help if required.
To involve parents and carers in the education of their children, the development of the service and value their contributions when made.
To provide a service in a manner which respects the independence, privacy and dignity of service users.